Review: Beetology Organic Cold Pressed Beet Root Juice

Gail Lewis5 comments

When life gets insanely busy, as seems to be the case more and more lately, the one thing that always seems to suffer is my health and well-being. I'll find the time for friends and family, but like a lot of us, I will often put my health last. 

Sometimes there just does not seem to be enough hours in the day to fit in exercise, eating healthily and finding time to de-stress along with everything else that life requires, so whenever I come across something healthy that easily and effortlessly fits into my busy schedule, trying it is a MUST!

One such healthy find that fits into a busy schedule since it can be taken on the go is Beetology juices.  Beetology juices are made from one of nature’s nutritional powerhouses, beets. The juices are U.S.D.A. Certified Organic, cold-pressed, 100% non-GMO and Certified Fair Trade. They consist of 100% juice blends containing no preservatives, additives, artificial colors, or flavors. They are also non-soy, non-dairy, and certified kosher.

In addition to how clean Beetology juices are they also have a ton of heath benefits thanks to being 100% juice with over over 50% being beet juice!  Beets are dense in nutrients and high in antioxidants, they help boost energy, aid in weight loss, support cleansing and detoxing, and have anti-inflammatory properties. They’re also known to improve blood flow and help lower blood pressure.

I was recently sent Beetology juices to try for myself. I tried the beet + lemon + ginger juice and absolutely loved it!  It's delicious, really refreshing, not too sweet and best of all I can easily grab one on the go, the size fits perfectly in my handbag!  I feel really good about the fact that not only are Beetology juices delicious, but every time I consume a bottle of this cold-pressed nutrition-packed powerhouse, I am also taking the time to do something that contributes to my health and well-being.

I've tried plenty of juices that have been sent my way for review, some have been delicious and others fall flat. Beetology gets a definite delicious from me! 

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Beautifying Morning Smoothie Recipe

Gail Lewis
Beautifying Smoothie Recipe I've always believed in caring for my skin from the inside out.  There is nothing that makes me happier than when I have clear, glowing skin that does not require a stitch of makeup. To make sure my skin looks as good as possible I try to maintain a clean, healthy, balanced diet...much easier said than done- get regular exercise, good sleep and make sure I make it to hot yoga at least twice a week.  Lately I've been incorporating more smoothies into my diet.  They are a quick and easy way for me to get a meal in when I don't have a lot of time or if I'm much too lazy to cook.  My favorite smoothie is the one that I frequently have in the morning.  It gives me the energy I need to start the day off right, I feel good that I've consumed something for breakfast and the ingredients in the smoothie contribute to radiant skin and hair. My morning smoothie contains green tea, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries and kale. Unfortunately I have a tendency to not measure anything so I can't give you the exact quantities of the ingredients, but if I were to estimate I would say about two cups of green tea, a handful of blueberries, a large handful of kale and about 4-5 strawberries.  I combine the ingredients in my Magic Bullet and in less than a minute I have a tasty, filling smoothie that's healthy and great for my hair and skin. The berries in the smoothie are loaded with Vitamin C, which is responsible for the health of collagen and contribute to radiant, glowing skin and hair.  The green tea in my smoothie also contains antioxidants, but in addition it has anti-inflammatory properties.  Green tea has also been linked to enhancement of sun protection when combined with sunscreen.  Last but not least, kale is anti-inflammatory and has high levels of  vitamin C, K and A, which help to clear acne prone skin, combat hyperpigmentation and wrinkles and encourages cell reproduction.  Kale is also abundant in lutein, a nutrient that makes eyes whiter.  I love the taste of this smoothie, but if you would prefer it a bit sweeter I would recommend mixing in some organic honey for a bit more flavor.  Hopefully you enjoy drinking your way to healthier, radiant skin and hair as much as I do! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too! *Disclosure

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DIY Avocado Hair and Face Mask

Gail Lewis

Magic Bullet Avocado Face Mask Recipe #DIY

So let me begin this post by letting you all know that this recipe was actually compliments of my quick thinking sister, as I had originally intended to ingest this and not use it topically.  You are all well aware (based on my earlier post on the DIY Pineapple Strawberry Enzyme Facial Mask) that I started out the year, like a lot of you, on a health kick.  I received a juicer for Christmas and have been really enjoying juicing and coming up with different fruit and vegetable juice recipes, which led to me discovering how amazing the pulp of some fruits work as a facial mask. Well the health kick continues and in addition to juicing I also wanted to whip up fruit and vegetable smoothies. So I went out and got a Magic Bullet. My first smoothie was going to contain avocados, pure coconut water, honey and coconut oil. I've been reading up on the health benefits of avocados and was really excited about incorporating it into my diet.  Well I did not have coconut oil handy first thing Monday morning so I substituted extra virgin olive oil instead.

#DIY Avocado Face Mask

Not measuring anything (because I was so anxious to get going), I put one half of a very large avocado, a bit too much olive oil and honey and not enough coconut water in the bullet and blended.  It tasted absolutely awful, one sip was enough, I could not finish the rest.  When my sister asked about my smoothie I told her how horrible it tasted and she then suggested that it would make a great face mask...something I had definitely not considered, but was glad she mentioned it because that meant I wouldn't have to toss an entire glass of bad tasting smoothie.

Avocado Face Mask #DIY #Skincare

Later that night I applied the mask to my face, including under my eyes, since that area is so delicate and often feels dry. I also applied it to the ends of my hair since that part tends to get really dry and brittle.  My skin definitely felt softer and more hydrated after I removed the mask. The skin under my eye felt as if I had applied a heavy eye cream.  My hair felt the same as if I had just conditioned it and rinsed so I did not notice a huge difference right away, but I will continue using the mask on my hair and leave it in for longer than ten minutes to see if I notice a change in the condition of my hair with continued usage.  I am definitely thinking that avocados are my new health and beauty superfood! Have you made face masks with avocados? Share your recipe! If you found this DIY skin care post helpful, please Like, Share and Pin it! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too!

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