Discover the Benefits of Hydrosols: From Gentle Skin Care to Aromatherapy

Shannon Smyth
A hydrosol, also known as a floral water or distillate, is a byproduct of the steam distillation process used to extract essential oils from plants. Unlike essential oils, which are highly concentrated and potent, hydrosols are much milder and can be used directly on the skin without dilution.

Hydrosols are created when steam is passed through plant material, causing the essential oils to vaporize and become suspended in the steam. The steam is then cooled, causing the essential oils and water to separate. The water, now infused with the essential oils and other water-soluble plant compounds, is collected and referred to as a hydrosol.

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Trophy Skin RejuvaliteMD Before and After Photos

Shannon Smyth

Disclosure: This post is Sponsored by Trophy Skin. All opinions on their RejuvaliteMD are my own.

As a mom, I sometimes feel guilty to take a moment (or 2 or 3) for myself. However, in order to really have my act together, it's a necessity. Mind, body - and skin! About a month ago I wrote about taking 5 minutes a day to myself to focus on my skin and minimize the appearance of wrinkles with Trophy Skin's, RejuvaliteMD. This is a follow up post to show you how, even just a few minutes a few times per week, can make a big difference. I even surprised myself when I put my before and after pictures side by side! It's funny the things you learn when you decide it's OK to take time for yourself - some things I learned were:
  • You can achieve a lot with consistency
  • Focusing on just one thing at a time can make a big difference
  • Even small things add up over time
  • Doing something for yourself can improve you physically
I'll be honest, I was skeptical that I would see a difference in my skin for what would add up to be about 20 minutes per week using RejuvaliteMD. Relaxing on my bed as the red light therapy went to work felt way too easy. The time went by in a snap and all that was required of me was to make sure my face was cleansed before using it. Since I look at my face daily, it's hard to notice changes that slowly evolve. Which is why when I placed the two unedited photos of before and after side by side, I was pleasantly surprised at the difference, mainly how the fine lines that seemed to be stacked vertically down the side of my cheek, had disappeared. Seeing the difference has encouraged me to keep going - not that I really needed a reason to take that little bit of me time daily. Right now Trophy Skin is offering A Girl’s Gotta Spa! readers a 15% off discount on any item from their store. This is in addition to also receving free shipping to any U.S. address. Use GOTTASPA at check out. The promo code expires on June 30, 2018. There is a 60 Day Guarantee on all items purchased on If you've used RejuvaliteMD, what differences did you notice in your skin? Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! beauty blog. Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too! Or check out our natural bath and body line!

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