Relaxing Room Color Palettes

Shannon Smyth
Did you know that there is power in color? It’s true. Look at fast food chains and you’ll see the color red used frequently. The reason is that this color is said to stimulate the appetite. But what about other moods and feelings? Can colors relax you? Go to the spa and you'll noticed a muted color scheme. There are a number of colors that can ease anxiety and make us feel calmer. If you're looking to redecorate to promote a sense of well-being, we've gathered up some relaxing color schemes to help you decide which would best suit you.

Which Colors Promote Relaxation?

You can use any of the colors from this list to create a relaxing color scheme. One tip to keep in mind is the 60/30/10 rule. This rule creates balance in your room. Sixty-percent of the color scheme will be the main color (wall color). Thirty-percent is the secondary color (curtains, bedding, etc.). The last is the accent color which should make up 10% of the room (accessories).

Relaxing Room Colors:

Relaxing Room Colors #interiordesign #wellness


Just like the ocean encourages relaxation, so does the color blue. Looking at the color can reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, and calm anxiety. You want to choose a soft shade of blue.

Green interiors promotes calm and wellness. #relax #interiordesign


Nature calms many of us. That’s why the color is great in a relaxing color scheme. Opt for soft shades, although this green color scheme above is also very calming.

pink hues 


Soft pinks can work in any room and offer a sense of tranquility, especially among other muted colors. 

violet interiors


This color makes a wonderful accent color. Violet makes us feel a sense of peace and boosts inner strength.

Grey interior walls promote a relaxing atmosphere. #interiordesign #wellness


Grey is such a wonderful color in a relaxing color scheme. This makes a wonderful main color for your walls. The color is soothing and is wonderful paired with blue as a secondary color. You can add other secondary or accent colors to your room. The key is to create a room that makes you feel relaxed.

How to Create a Relaxing Space:

Add plants to your room decor to brighten and liven up the space. Plants also promote relaxation. #interiordesign Now that you have your color scheme in mind. You want to think about how you can turn your space in a relaxing space. Here are some tips to create a zen experience.

1. Remove the clutter. You want to make sure your space is free of clutter. Clutter creates feelings of stress. Go through and purge everything you don’t need.

2. Add a plant. Even if the plant is plastic, having a piece of greenery in your space can make you feel a sense of peace.

3. Bring a water fixture into the room. The sound of running water is so relaxing. You can find indoor fountains for as little as $5 in some discount stores.

4. Create a place for everything. When you have a spot for everything, it’s much easier to keep your room organized. When your room is organized, it’s more relaxing.

5. Use a diffuser. An ultrasonic diffuser allows you to enjoy the fragrance and properties of essential oils. Avoid heated diffusers as these can alter the chemical composition of the oils. Lavender is an awesome option for relaxing.

Colors have such an impact in our lives. Harness that power and create a relaxing color scheme so that you can naturally reduce stress levels

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What a Trip to Scotland Taught Me About Unplugging

Candyce Ross
Why unplugging is important for your health via @agirlsgottaspa I recently escaped the city lights for a week in Scotland. We stayed in a little stone croft in the middle of a field in the Scottish Highlands surrounded by the sound of sheep that served as our natural ‘alarm clock’ and views of the Nevis Mountain Range. It was absolutely stunning and the fresh air and open space left me feeling so well – I was relaxed, calm and re-energised. I wondered if a week away from hectic city life and unplugging from social media could actually have health benefits. Turns out, there are a lot of researchers out there who believe that being outdoors in nature may be essential to good health. It seems the more time we spend in urban environments, the more stressed and anxious we become. Here are some health benefits associated with an escape to fresher air and greener spaces:Why unplugging benefits your health via @agirlsgottaspa Lowers stress and lowers blood pressure Our day to day lives are filled with deadlines, meetings, calls to make, people to see, gym classes to attend, chores to do…it’s no wonder most of us are feeling more stressed and as if there are just not enough hours in the day. Studies have found that people who spend time in the city have higher levels of cortisol and heart rates than those who spend time in nature, such as a forest. An increase in cortisol can lead to elevated levels of blood sugar, chances of diabetes, weight gain and immune system suppression, so it makes sense to try reduce levels as much as possible. When you walk through nature without technological distractions, you are more likely to take in the smallest details around you. This slows breathing, calms the mind and awakens the senses. Increases productivity and problem solving skills The latest scientific research has shown that time spent in nature, away from distractions of technology and urban life allows the mind to focus more and increases creativity and problem solving ability. Walking in nature, gazing at a sunset or watching the crashing waves of the ocean – all these simple activities in nature allow us to stop, reflect, prioritise, put into perspective and resolve problems without the clutter and distraction of urban life. Boosts mental health A Stanford study found quantifiable evidence that walking in nature could lead to a lower risk of depression. City dwellers have higher chances of anxiety and mood disorders compared with those who live in rural areas. Time spent in nature is shown to reduce the time spent thinking negative thoughts and reduces anger, fear, stress and unpleasant feelings. In fact, scientists are saying that there are severe health problems, such as depression, associated with nature deprivation – a lack of time in the natural world due to increased hours watching TV or sitting in front of a screen. Here are some easy ways to incorporate more time in nature into your daily routine:
  • Go for a morning walk – even if its just walking to the furthest bus stop.
  • Instead of eating lunch at your desk, go sit in the park or walk to a café a bit further than the one you usually grab your lunch from.
  • Exercise outside – this is definitely harder during the winter months (trust me I know the feeling of not wanting to venture outside into the cold) but when the sun is shining, opt for a workout outside or swap the treadmill for the dirt track or park.
  • Meditate outdoors. Just ten minutes a day without screens, calls, music. Just you, nature, positive thoughts and mindful breathing.
What are the benefits you've personally experienced when you unplug and get outdoors? Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! beauty blog. Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too!

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