Beauty Tips to Beat Dreaded Winter Skin

Shannon Smyth
How to Beat Dreaded Winter Skin via @agirlsgottaspa #skincare #skintips Preventing dreaded winter skin can be a challenge, and harsh climates do little for the appearance. However, those looking to stay radiant this season can turn to ESPA at Vdara Hotel & Spa. This relaxation destination houses several beauty experts, including Lead Aesthetician Alisa Vidaurri who comes withan arsenal of beauty tips, whether it’s within the luxurious Las Vegas spa or from the comfort of your own home. Below are some winter care remedies, including both sophisticated treatments available at ESPA and do-it-yourself home regimens to protect and invigorate the face, scalp and immune system from winter’s winds: Face: · Indulge: ESPA’s Advanced Enzyme Facial, an exfoliation and anti-inflammatory treatment, uses organic elements to sustain the skin’s natural glow. This gentle peel won’t irritate the skin and includes all natural ingredients, including Australian wild lime species and sugar cane, to reveal a smooth, illuminating glow. · DIY: Alisa’s top tip for brightening winter skin? Exfoliate! This can be as simple as using a washcloth to wipe away dead skin, or trying natural products such as pumpkin, which is the main element infused in the Advanced Enzyme Facial at ESPA. Scalp: · Indulge: In the absence of humidity, the intensive Pink Hair & Scalp Mud at ESPA leaves the scalp feeling refreshed and hair soft and shiny. ESPA’s signature conditioner’s key ingredients include red clay and apricot kernel oil to soothe and nourish the scalp. · DIY: Snow isn’t the only white flake that comes around during the winter. If a trip to the spa isn’t an option, Alisa says treating these flakes at home can be done by combining coconut, olive and tea tree oil. After mixing the three components together throughout damp hair, leave the treatment in for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.The scalp will be thoroughly conditioned to prevent dandruff. Immune System: · Indulge: The common cold doesn’t only bring the sniffles, but can leave the brightest face looking lackluster. ESPA’s Resistance Bath and Body Oil is a non-medicinal blend of tea tree and eucalyptus essential oils in an almond base used to heal dark eye circles and brighten dull skin. This balance of ingredients not only cures ailing skin, but also supports and strengthens the immune system. · DIY: To boost the immune system and create cold-resistant skin, Alisa suggests home ingredients such as almonds, which are filled with vitamins to prevent inflammation. Another remedy is indulging in a daily dose of red wine, packed with antioxidants to fight off sickness. If you felt these tips were helpful, be sure to Like, Tweet and Pin this post! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! beauty blog. Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too!

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Winter Skin Problems Solved : LypSyl and Lumeme Dry Skin Cocktail to the Rescue!

AmandaOnAir2 comments
Winter Skin Care Problem Solvers #beauty #skincare I think I can speak for most of us when I say ... I am so over this winter! It can feel free to exit stage left anytime now. This winter has been brutal! Snow removal has been a pain, navigating the slippery roads has been a disaster, and the cold has been killer on my skin. Being a compulsive lip balm and moisturizer user, I don’t remember ever feeling as dry as I have this winter. I’ve never had (or needed) a special Winter skin care regimen. My usual daily moisturizer and lip balm were all I needed … until this Polar Vortex-out of control-freezing cold-full of snow-winter we are in the middle of. My skin hates this winter and to be honest, it started to get a painful. My poor face actually started to hurt and my lips … oh my lips … they were SO dry it was painful.  My usual routine wasn’t cutting it this winter, so I’ve enlisted some new products to join my daily routine and I can report that I am dry no longer.  I’m thankful for that. It was a terrible feeling to smack my lips together and have it hurt. Same goes for my face. The Groundhog saw his shadow, so we’ve got a bit longer to suffer this winter! If you’re experiencing dry skin or dry lips, here’s what did the trick for me. Let’s start with lips. I thought I had tried every lip balm under the sun, but apparently I missed one. My usuals weren’t working this winter. I don’t know if my lips were just too used to them or what, but my go-to balms weren’t moisturizing my lips enough to protect them from this killer cold weather and they were drying out against my best efforts to keep them coated. I don’t know why I didn’t try LypSyl sooner, but now that I have I can’t imagine not having a tube with me at all times. Maybe the secret to nourishing my super dry winter worn lips was LypSyl’s pure Swedish beeswax … whatever it was, my lips are happy again and that makes me happy.

Lypsyl Lip Balm #review

LypSyl, which is SPF 15, is ultra light and moisturizing.  It has a slight minty tingle when you first apply it and the packaging is cute. There’s a little bee on the side as the slider to get the product to come up and down.  Rich moisture without a thick formula; it was seriously a godsend after suffering from weeks of dry painful lips. As far as my skin goes, my usual day and night moisturizing wasn’t cutting it. My face was starting to feel the effects of the negative temps and for the first time in my life, the skin on my face actually started to hurt. Being someone who has used facial moisturizer since I was like 10, I’ve never experienced dry skin on my face before, let alone painful skin on my face. After doing some research, adding a Vitamin C serum to my daily routine seemed to be my best bet during the winter. Lumene Bright Now Vitamin C Dry Skin Cocktail (around $20 depending on where you buy it) will not only be my winter addition, but likely a year round new addition to the daily routine.  As far as serums go, this is pretty inexpensive considering it’s fabulous and you can buy it at your local drugstore. Both major wins. More proof that great skin care products don't have to be expensive and bought from some fancy counter.

Lumene Bright Now Vitamin C Cocktail #serum #review #skincare

The low down on Lumene's Vitamin C Dry Skin Cocktail: Highly conditioning bioactive oil complex combines cranberry and cloudberry seed oils to help nourish and vitalize even the driest skin. Improves skin smoothness and visibly diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles caused by dehydration. Suitable for normal and especially dry skin. Formulated without parabens. The secret weapon inside: Arctic Cloudberry! It’s the ultimate, multi-task beautifier. Its age-defying seed oil is rich in omega acids that protect andstrengthen the skin. The berry's high vitamin C content – more than double the amount in oranges – is particularly beneficial in restoring  skin, while the detoxifying properties of the nectar give skin a brighter, more radiant glow. Lumene’s Bright Now Vitamin C Dry Skin Cocktail was pretty much my skin saver this winter. I use it most days in the morning before my moisturizer and at night after I wash my face. While I haven’t necessarily noticed a difference in the appearance on my fine lines and wrinkles, (I’ve only been using it for a few weeks) I have without a doubt noticed the difference in how nourished my skin feels. It feels like my thirsty skin guzzled it all right in. The actual formula reminds me of the left over juices you would find inside the package that a paper face mask comes in. The packaging often tells you to use the left over juices on your hands and neck, so I’m very familiar with rubbing that serum all over myself. Lumene Vitamin C Dry Skin Cocktail feels just like it… and that’s a fabulous thing! Layering this under a good moisturizer will help to instantly bring you skin back to life and get rid of any dryness. I will without a doubt be purchasing both of these products again. While I'm happy to have my winter skin problems solved, let's hope we don't have TOO much longer of this cold to suffer through! Stay hydrated my friends! If you found this skin care review helpful, please be sure to Like it, Pin it and Share with friends! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too!

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