Red Lipstick for Fair Skin - A Girl's Gotta Spa!

Red Lipstick for Fair Skin

Great red lipstick for fair skin! #beauty #makeup

Like many of you, I always thought red lipstick was something only few women could pull off. Until I got my hands on Avon's Reddy for Me, I had no idea that red could be so welcoming to my lips...and my fair skin. Once I finally mastered understanding which type of red would work best with my fair skin, that's when my eyes began to spot reds that would give me that pow! As seen on figure skating Olympian, Ashley Wagner, CoverGirl's Hot Passion is another one I am adding to my collection. It's a gorgeous, bright red.

Red Lipstick for fair skin with CoverGirl's Hot Passion #makeupWhen it comes gloss, I love shine, but when it comes to lipstick, I prefer it to be matte. Hot Passion is perfectly matte. You will absolutely need to wear a lipliner with this lipstick, as without it there is a lot of color bleeding. However, this lipstick has staying power unlike I've ever seen before. While there was some color transfer to a cup while drinking and eating, this lipstick remained intact. Honestly, one day I wore this lipstick for 8 full hours without having to touch it up at all. The only reason it came off is because I used makeup remover before bed! I also love that it didn't dry out my lips. Typically lipstick depletes my lips of moisture making them crack and peel, which is the reason why I mainly wear lipgloss. I love that I can wear this red without that problem!

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