Miss Jessie's Multicultural Curls

Gail Lewis1 comment

Miss Jessie's Multicultural Curls #review

I consider my naturally curly hair both a gift and a curse.  When my hair decides to behave in its natural state, it is a huge mane of defined, bouncy curls that I positively revel in, but when my hair decides to act up, it become a pouf of frizz or a saddened state of lifeless curls that I cannot wait to get rid of. Usually whenever my hair does act up, it is mostly due to the styling (products) I chose to use.  Either the product was too heavy and weighed my hair down or not hydrating enough and caused my curls to transform into a ball of frizz.  Rarely do I ever use just one product to style my curly hair. A couple to a few products are usually required to get those bouncy, shiny, hydrated curls that I always desire.  Last Friday I decided to give  Miss Jessie's Multicultural Curls a go completely on its own.  I did not combine this styler with any other product; I just washed, conditioned, then applied the Multicultural Curls product to my hair and let it air dry.  Miss Jesssie's Multicultural Curls gave me soft, shiny, bouncy curls that were frizz free.  My curls did not feel like they were lacking anything or like they were coated in too much product. It was the perfect balance of hold, volume, shine and manageability.  Even after I did an hour of intense Zumba with my hair completely down, my curls still held up and were frizz free. So far I've used the Miss Jesssie's Multicultural Curls a total of three times with the same great results every time.  I still have yet to give it the ultimate test of summer's heat and humidity, but for now I am both excited and relieved that I have been able to use just one product to get my curly hair not only to behave, but to actually excel! If you found this hair care review helpful, please be sure to Like, Share and Pin this post! You might also like: Miss Jessie's Jelly Soft Curls review. Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too! *Disclosure

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A Girl's Gotta Spa! Natural Bath and Body Products

Shannon Smyth3 comments
This is the story of how A Girl's Gotta Spa!, launched in 2005 as a beauty blog, evolved in 2014 as a beauty and wellness brand. Your personal well-being should be a priority.

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Snack Your Way to Beautiful Skin

Gail Lewis

Snack Your Way to Beautiful Skin #Skincare

When it comes to achieving beautiful skin, I believe that it's always best to start from the inside out. I've seen firsthand the difference in my skin when I eat a healthy, clean, well-balanced diet as opposed to when I eat processed foods.  Not only do I feel more alive and energetic when I eat healthy, but my skin looks so clear, glowing and healthy that I can actually skip makeup.  Since I am a bit...a big bit...OK, a huge fan of snacking, I try to make sure that I snack on foods that are also healthy, nutritious and great for my skin.  I've gathered a list of snack foods that are tasty, filling, healthy and have amazing skin benefits.  Walnuts: This is my favorite snack food.  I love the taste and texture of walnuts. They contain essential fatty acids, which are responsible for healthy cell membranes that act as a barrier to harmful substances, are also the passageway for nutrients to get in and out and for waste products to get in and out of cells.  Since it is the cell membrane that also holds water in, the stronger that barrier is the better your cells can hold moisture. (And that means plumper, younger looking skin.) Almonds: Almonds are loaded with vitamin E and antioxidants, which  protect skin from UV-spawned free radicals.  Vitamin E is present in skin's top layers and guard cells' outer membrane so cells stay healthy. And like walnuts, these strong membranes hold water in, keeping skin hydrated. Berries: I especially love blackberries, blueberries and strawberries as they are loaded with antioxidants that protect skin cells.  The antioxidants found in these berries protect skin from free radicals (like the kind formed from sun exposure) and can help to lessen any damage to your skin.

Snacking Your Way to Beautiful Skin #skincaretips

  Tomatoes: Tasty and filling, tomatoes are the best source of the anti-aging antioxidant lycopene, they  are also considered a high-carotenoid fruit. These nutrients may help slow down cellular damage from free radicals. I love sprinkling a bit of unrefined sea salt and black pepper on thick slices of tomatoes or combine with slices of avocado, another beautiful skin snack.  Avocadoes are a  good source of biotin and help to prevent dry skin. Greek yogurt: This skin nourishing snack carries a good source of protein to help skin to become firmer, so it's more resistant to fine lines.  I love combining Greek yogurt with berries and walnuts or almonds for the ultimate skin beautifying snack. Go ahead and nourish your skin from the inside and out with these delicious "beautiful skin" snacks! If you found this heath and beauty tip helpful, please be sure to Like, Share and Pin this post! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too!

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Red Lipstick for Fair Skin

Shannon Smyth

Great red lipstick for fair skin! #beauty #makeup

Like many of you, I always thought red lipstick was something only few women could pull off. Until I got my hands on Avon's Reddy for Me, I had no idea that red could be so welcoming to my lips...and my fair skin. Once I finally mastered understanding which type of red would work best with my fair skin, that's when my eyes began to spot reds that would give me that pow! As seen on figure skating Olympian, Ashley Wagner, CoverGirl's Hot Passion is another one I am adding to my collection. It's a gorgeous, bright red.

Red Lipstick for fair skin with CoverGirl's Hot Passion #makeupWhen it comes gloss, I love shine, but when it comes to lipstick, I prefer it to be matte. Hot Passion is perfectly matte. You will absolutely need to wear a lipliner with this lipstick, as without it there is a lot of color bleeding. However, this lipstick has staying power unlike I've ever seen before. While there was some color transfer to a cup while drinking and eating, this lipstick remained intact. Honestly, one day I wore this lipstick for 8 full hours without having to touch it up at all. The only reason it came off is because I used makeup remover before bed! I also love that it didn't dry out my lips. Typically lipstick depletes my lips of moisture making them crack and peel, which is the reason why I mainly wear lipgloss. I love that I can wear this red without that problem!

Have you tried CoverGirl's Hot Passion red lipstick? If you found this makeup review helpful, please be sure to Like, Share and Pin it! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle tooShannon on G+ *Disclosure

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DIY Yogurt Face Mask

Gail Lewis2 comments
#DIY Yogurt Facial Masks #skincare Yogurt tends to be one of the most versatile foods that I consume on a daily basis.  I will have it with granola and fruits for breakfast, as a post workout snack with a few almonds, in a shake or on its own.  For me it's easy, fast, nutritious, healthy and filling. After all, it is considered a super food, especially if you consume plain unsweetened yogurt. Yogurt also has some amazing skin benefits when used topically. Yogurt contains nutrients such as Lactic Acid, Zinc B Vitamins and Calcium.  Lactic Acid smoothes and exfoliates skin, moisturizes dry skin and is beneficial in preventing wrinkles and reducing existing wrinkles.  Zinc contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation caused by acne. It also helps to tighten tissue and reduces the size of acne and pimples. Zinc also regulates oil production and prevents oily skin and breakouts.  B Vitamins are essential for cell growth and regeneration.  They also protect skin cells from free radical damage.  Calcium is an amazing anti-oxidant that helps to heal skin and also facilitates skin renewal. Plain yogurt can be used in DIY Facials in a variety of ways.  It can be applied on its own to your face to help even out skin tone, fade dark spots over time and tighten the skin around pores therefore minimizing their appearance (you can never truly shrink pores.)  Just apply plain yogurt to your face and décolleté, leave on for about 20 minutes then rinse with cool water. Yogurt can also be combined with honey and oatmeal for a soothing face mask.  The honey is rich in antioxidants which prevent free radical damage, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, while softening and moisturizing skin.  The oatmeal exfoliates skin and removes excess sebum and dirt from deep within skin pores.  Just combine equal parts plain yogurt, raw honey and oatmeal and mix to form a paste, then apply to skin and leave on for about 20-30 minutes then rinse with cool water. Another amazing DIY face mask can be created by combining yogurt with honey and lemons.  This mask is especially great for acne prone skin because of the antibacterial and antifungal properties found in yogurt.  Combined with the lemons, it also helps to fade dark spots and acne scars and the honey soothes your skin.  If your skin has been a bit dry and irritated due to the severe weather most of the nation has been experiencing, just combine plain yogurt with raw honey in equal parts and apply to your face.  Honey is a natural humectant that retains water to help keep skin soft and moisturized. It is also an antimicrobial agent and is gentle enough for use on sensitive skin. Plain yogurt can be combined with a ton of other ingredients to create different face masks customized for whatever skin conditions you may be experiencing.  It truly is an amazing and versatile skin and body super food! If you found these DIY beauty tips helpful, please be sure to Like, Share and Pin this post! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too!

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DIY Lip Care Treatments

Gail Lewis

DIY Lip Treatments #skincare #DIY

My lips are one of those areas of my face that I will admit gets neglected. I wear a protective lip balm to keep them hydrated, but when it comes to pampering them I am neglectful.  Lately I have been making it a beauty priority to give my lips their very own spa time.  I exfoliate them, apply a lip mask and hydrate them the same way I do with the rest of my face.  I've realized that it is actually extremely easy to whip up lip care treatments with a lot of the items in my refrigerator for soft, plump, hydrated lips.  A great lip scrub can be created by combining coconut or olive oil, with honey, brown sugar and lemon juice.  Just mix together to form a paste then apply with your fingers in a circular motion.  I also like to let this scrub sit on my lips for a few minutes before rinsing with warm water.  A great moisturizing lip mask can be made by simply mixing equal parts honey with equal parts lemon juice.  The lemon juice works as a gentle exfoliant while the honey is extremely moisturizing (don't apply if you have any cuts though, as it may sting.)   If your lips are really dry and feeling irritated, apply one of my all time favorite spa product to your lips...cucumber.  Yes the same cucumber found in infused spa water and it's coolness used to depuff eyes.  Just gently rub a slice of cucumber over your lips until they are saturated with the cucumber juice then let sit for a bout 20 minutes before rinsing with cool water.  These lip treatments are fast, easy and effective, but I would recommend doing test patches before since some people are highly sensitive to lemon juice as well as raw honey.  Your lips are going to feel softer, smoother and kissable in no time! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too!

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Benefits of Grapefruit Essential Oil

Shannon Smyth
Benefits Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil #bodycare #skincare #beauty Aside from the fact that study after study have shown that men perceive women wearing a grapefruit fragrance to be younger than they actually are, there are many more benefits to grapefruit essential oil in skin and body care. Although, honestly, I am all over grapefruit for the youth factor alone... Pink Grapefruit is known to have a skin brightening effect, it's also rich in antioxidants like lycopene, and has a cleansing and toning effect on the skin. Grapefruit is chock full of vitamin C, and those of us aging know far too well that Vitamin C helps to fade dark spots and uneven skin tone. Amazing skin and mood-enhancing benefits of grapefruit essential oil via @agirlsgottaspa Aside from the benefits of grapefruit essential oil in body care products, the fragrance alone does wonders. It's uplifting and energizing, and can help reset your mood. Pink Grapefruit essential oil is one of the 4 citrus essential oils in A Girl's Gotta Spa!® Energizing Citrus Body WashBody Lotion and Salt Scrub. Its positive mood-enhancing ability coupled with the skin care benefits make it the perfect natural ingredient to incorporate into our moisturizing lotion and body wash. I love how it does double duty by pampering both your body and mind. Do you like citrus scents like grapefruit? If you found this skin care post helpful, please be sure to Like, Share and Pin it! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle tooShannon on G+

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Find the Perfect Hair Color

Shannon Smyth2 comments

How to Choose the Right Hair Color #haircaretips #Haircare

If you're anything like me, whether you're searching for the right shade to color your hair at home or to request of your hairstylist at the salon, seeking the perfect hair color is a priority. (There was this one time when my hair wound up a weird shade of red....) But it goes beyond finding the right color by simply saying, "I like this shade of red." According to Patrick McIvor, expert hair colorist and Artistic and TechniCultural Director for Goldwell/KMS California, to find the perfect color, three factors must always be considered. 1. How often do you want to color hair? 2. How much money do you want to spend on your hair? 3. How much time do you want to spend coloring your hair? How often do you want to color hair? Want blonde on blonde like Christians Aguilera? That requires touch-ups every 2-4 weeks to look good. If there’s no time for that, other alternatives include a glaze to cool down or warm up tone, which usually lasts 6-8 weeks, sometimes even 12. A full head of highlights needs maintenance every 6 weeks, but subtle highlights can go as long as 8-12 weeks. It’s important to pick a color that fits with lifestyle – if there’s not enough time to get to the salon for touch-ups, it won’t look good, so don’t even bother. How much money do you want to spend on your hair? Saving money to get the perfect color once will be a let down. Color needs to be maintained, so it’s important to look at the finances of color before committing to a style. Glazes and one-process colors tend to cost less. A full head of highlights is more expensive (especially on longer hair) than accent highlights. So do the math first. How much time do you want to spend coloring your hair? Think about it – if sitting for 2 hours at a time for highlights to be foiled and processed is not an option, go for a demi permanent glaze to kick brass or add cool tones, it takes a mere 20 minutes. On the other hand, maybe sitting for 2 hours at the salon is the best way to slow down and be pampered – it’s all about lifestyle. Consider these things before you get your hair colored again and I promise you will be happier with your hair color. If you found these tips helpful, please be sure to Like it, Pin it and Share with friends! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle tooShannon on G+ Photo credit: Goldwell

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Winter Hair Care Tips

Shannon Smyth

Winter Hair Care Tips from Ruth Roche #haircare

In winter, colder temperatures and indoor heating deplete moisture in the air, which can leave hair parched, so it’s important to replenish moisture to prevent breakage and promote shine. Ruth Roche, Artistic Ambassador for Pureology Serious Colour Care offers 5 tips for getting the glow back. 1. Get a good trim to remove frayed ends, they tend to be dryer and more damaged than the rest of the hair strand. 2. Use a clarifying treatment to remove styling product buildup that contributes to lack of moisture and dullness. Pureology Purify Shampoo is a great one – it’s sulfate-free and safe for color-treated hair. 3. Apply an intense treatment once a week to add suppleness, elasticity, strengthen hair, prevent breakage and add shine. If hair feels brittle, it needs moisture – if it feels rough, it needs both protein and moisture, so choose a treatment accordingly. 4. Use a light shine serum prior to styling to smooth down the cuticle, protect hair from heat and mechanical damage, and add moisture and shine. Pureology Cuticle Polisher shine serum can be used sparingly on fine hair, more for medium and coarse hair, and lots and lots for curly hair. 5. Get a professional brightening demi-permanent color gloss to close the cuticle and add shine, try Redken Shades EQ. If you found these tips helpful, please be sure to Like it, Pin it and Share with friends! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle tooShannon on G+ Photo Credit: Mike Ruiz

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3 Brow Essentials

Shannon Smyth3 comments

Brow Obsession: 3 Brow Essentials

Your brows are an essential part to framing your face. Having the right tools is a necessity.

There are plenty of products out there - from brow gels to brow tints, to brow pens and brow markers and so on. What I've noticed lately is that there have been three brow products that I always seem to reach for.

NARS Brow Perfector ($22): This brow pencil has a velvety feel as you fill in where hair is sparse and shape where necessary. It blends perfectly, not making my brows too dark (I used Brown) and filling them out without looking "sharp" in their appearance. This pencil doesn't budge once blended in.

Boom Boom Push-Up Brow Highlighting Pencil ($18): Created by Malynda Vigliotti (aka Boom Boom), brow extraordinaire, this double sided brow highlighter is a hands down, must-have. Apply the matte side of the pencil along the brow bone, use it on the inside of the lower lid and then apply the Sparkle side to the inner corner of the eye. These three little tricks will make your eyes appear wider and uplifted.

The Sonia Kashuk Essentials Brush Set for Meaningful Beauty (Free with Meaningful Beauty purchase):  The Lash Brow Groomer brush in this Meaningful Beauty collaboration set, is one I cannot put down when it comes to my brows (the Foundation Brush is pretty fabulous, too.) I use the bristle side to blend the Boom Boom highlighting pencil into my brown line, while also using the bristles to blend the Nars Brow Perfector while shaping my brows. The comb side is pretty handy when trimming your brows back into a uniform length (there are always those random stragglers that seem to want to grow longer than others!)

Do you use any of the products mentioned? What are your brow essentials?

Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle tooShannon on G+


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